Friday, September 11, 2009

Would Syriah ever acept Israel's help?

As there is currently talk of Syriah possibly leaving it's ties to Iran to join the allies, the country itself is falling apart economically and is slowly becoming a wasteland. One of the biggest issues in Syriah is the lack of water, as is the issue in many parts of the middle east. However Israel is leading the world with desalination technology and recycling of water and currently has the world's largest desalination plant. Israel could very well help Syriah with there water issues by turning the salt water they have into drinking water, same way they do it themselves. However, Syriah would never accept such help from the enemy. Rather, Syriah is still set on the idea of acquiring the Golan and getting a hold of Israel's fresh water supply that way. Since that is not going to happen, Syriah will eventually have to figure out an alternative before it becomes entirely uninhabitable.

The source for the preceding is "Column One: America's exceptional ally" by Caroline Glick and can be found at